How to Customize Your Website to Show LifeBio Partnership

LifeBio is providing this information for your community to use as you are developing a customized webpage for your campus to explain the LifeBio program in your outreach and marketing programs. Please "tweak" as you wish, but this gives you great content to begin sharing your status as a LifeBio Authorized Organization! LifeBio differentiates you in the marketplace!

Image With Copy (Story)

We want to KNOW our residents! There is no one else like YOU! 

At (Your Community Name/Organization Name Here), we utilize the industry-leading LifeBio approach… a unique, proprietary life story-gathering program specifically customized for us to help capture our resident’s unique life stories, thereby allowing our staff to deeply know YOU and your incredible background!  

The Process is Easy – and Fun!

It all begins with a question… and soon the stories begin to flow!  From favorite childhood memories, to family, to career, to hobbies and personal preferences, we gather the information on the events that made you who are – and those things that are most important to you. If possible, we conduct a short interview with the resident. If this proves difficult, family members or friends can also help contribute information and photos via the LifeBio Memory app, typing in a secure online account, writing answers in a guided journal, or using other methods. 

Your Story is Your GIFT to Family

Once your LifeBio information is gathered, the professional LifeBio Story Team turns your information into a beautiful Life Story Book that may be shared with your family at your discretion. At the same time, the Story Team will use highlights from your life to create a one-page Life Story Summary for a quick review called the “Snapshot.”  We think you'll love that the gift of a lasting LEGACY is recorded due to our community's status as a LifeBio Authorized Organization. 

Life Satisfaction!

This attention to thoughtful care and programming ensures that everyday life is more fulfilling and that your interactions with staff and other residents is more engaging – we’ll have a lot more to talk about than just the weather!

Memory Care with Extra Care

Our community wants to connect on a more meaningful level, tailoring our approach for a perfect "fit" for each person's needs. When people experience memory loss, it is incredibly important to have the story told so that staff, family, and volunteers can connect more personally and deeply, customizing activities and conversations to each person's distinct needs. 


NOTE:  Please add additional quotes from your management team about the importance of knowing the whole person in the delivery of the very best quality service and care!