Gratitude comes from the Latin word gratia, meaning grace, graciousness, or gratefulness. In English, gratitude means the quality of being thankful or showing appreciation for what one has. Having gratitude generally recognizes that goodness lies at least in part outside of oneself, so thankfulness can help connect people to someone or something outside of themselves.

Psychology Today reports that feeling grateful can boost happiness and foster both physical and psychological health. Gratefulness can help a person shift away from negativity, negative words, and negative emotions. Depression can be lessened through thanksgiving. Other research shows that gratitude can help people feel more positive emotions, deal with adversity, and improve relationships. It can also result in improved health, feeling less pain, and having a stronger immune system. For some it means having less stress and suffering less insomnia.

With the positive benefits associated, many people are intentional in showing gratitude. Expressing thanks can be spontaneous, but the art of saying thank you can also be cultivated to encourage people to deliberately say thank you more frequently. Gratitude can be applied to past memories and blessings, the present, and as a way of being optimistic about the future.

There are many ways to be intentional about expressing gratitude. Some options that could be considered are through speaking, in writing, or by prayer and meditation. You can be mindful to tell others thank you. You can also take time to talk with others about things you are grateful for, such as on Thanksgiving when each member of the family might tell a couple of things that they are thankful for this year.

When it comes to writing, some researchers suggest keeping a gratitude journal of things you are thankful for. You could write down three good things in your life every day, no matter how big or small those things may be. You can also write thank you notes to other people, explaining why you are grateful for them or the things they have done. Throughout the year, some people keep a gratitude jar in which they add a slip of paper each day, telling a moment or something they were grateful for that day.

Some people prefer to focus on gratitude through prayer and meditation. You can express praise and thanksgiving through prayer. Or you might meditate on the word gratitude or by thinking about a person who has inspired you by making your life better. Some people use time during repetitive or mundane activities, such as during exercise or while folding laundry, to focus on things for which they are grateful.

LifeBio is thankful for all of you and the opportunity we have to work with you! Here are some of the other things our LifeBio family is thankful for this year:

“I am thankful for family, friends, work family, and fur babies!” -Cindy W.

"While 2020 has indeed been a most strange and unusual year, I find that there are just SO MANY things that I am thankful for. I love working for LifeBio, and I am so grateful that we were able to safely transition from the office to remote work earlier this year. I have wonderful friends, family, and dogs; more than enough food; clean running water; heat... Honestly, my list could go on and on. In the end, what matters most to me are the wondrous, minute details of daily life that otherwise go unnoticed. So much joy in such small things!" -Bethany Z.

“I am thankful for my faith, my family (including my puppy, Copper), friends, and being able to be part of a great company!” -Samyu M.

“Faith and family.” -Julie V.

“I’m thankful for having a faithful and true God! Also, I’m thankful for family, friends, coworkers, health, and my faith!” -Sandy L.

“I am grateful for God, family, neighbors, friends, and co-workers. I am thankful for people who are praying and who physically helped me move. All helped to keep my mind and body on task with encouragement.” -Wanda D.

“I am thankful for my faith, family, health, and job.” -Paula P.

“I’m very thankful for my kids; my husband; my family; God; our health; our jobs; our home; friends; co-workers; and a good relationship with my ex, which is great for my kids!” -Amy B.

“Thankful for my faith, my life and those that I share it with.” -Corrine S.

“So many blessings-- my faith, family, friends, pets, health, security, the ability to work from home, happy memories, and time to rest.” -Laurel L.

“Family and health.” -Roxanne T.

“I am truly thankful for my Lord and Savior, our many freedoms, family, friends, continued health, provisions, and a loving work family.” Christina K.

“I am thankful for family and the rich stories of our lives.” -Beth S.

For many of us, Thanksgiving may look different this year. Nevertheless, there are plenty of things for which to show gratitude. What are at least three things you are thankful for this year?